The residential apartment covers around 170 square meters, and belongs to a young family of five. The original design of the apartment created a dense and dark atmosphere. Therefore, the main purpose of the renovation project was to create a sense of space and light, without reducing the number of rooms. The framework of the new design connects the public spaces of the building: the living room, the kitchen, the dining room and the family room, while maintaining their functional boundaries, turning the apartment into a spacious and sunny home.
The owners of the house explained that they are interested in a house that will “grow with the family.” The plan follows accordingly, allowing for flexibility regarding the functionality of the spaces.
For example, the family room which is adjacent to the living room with shelves for storing children’s books and toys and was designed to serve as a future study room. In addition, different sections of the house were designed in a way that allows privacy, taking into account the family’s development over time.The design concept chosen for the project is: “a young home” characterized by brightness, airiness and vivid colors, which allow a joyous, playful and lively spirit.